Amy Price, Advocate and Abuse and Neglect Team Leader

January 23, 2020

Amy Price

After serving over 30 years in nonprofit management, leadership and advocacy, Amy Price joined Disability Rights Ohio as an advocate on the Abuse and Neglect team in April 2019. In September of 2019, Amy accepted a position as the Team Lead for DRO's Abuse and Neglect team, exemplifying her commitment to preserving the human, civil, and legal rights of people with disabilities.

Amy got her start in Columbus, Ohio by earning her Bachelor's degree in Sociology at The Ohio State University. In the years following, she earned her Master's Degree in Social Work and began filling leadership positions in behavioral healthcare organizations. She helped develop and expand services at a number of provider organizations and has served on 6 executive leadership teams. In particular, Amy was the Chief of Clients Rights and Community Supports with The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Her leadership training includes being an alumna of the United Way of Central Ohio's Pride Leadership Program and the Mental Health Executive Leadership Program at Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management.

In both clinical and outreach settings, Amy has excelled in approaching her work with compassion, integrity and humility. She believes that without these core values, organizations are unable to strategically apply evidence-based practices to create innovative culturally and trauma-informed solutions.

After many years in leadership roles, she was driven to fully reconnect with authentic mission-driven work 'on the ground' once again. In choosing to accept her original advocate position at DRO, Amy states that, "I challenged myself to take a risk and reconnect with what brought me to my path - people first. Brave is what most people are doing every day, and I want to be part of that story."

Now, as the Team Lead for the Abuse and Neglect team, Amy will head up investigations and monitoring of both individual and systemic issues to preserve and expand the rights of people with disabilities in private and public care facilities. More than anything, Amy strives to meet people where they are, creating "the type of systemic changes that make the daily lives of others kinder and easier, more equitable and just - full of autonomy, strength, inclusion and hope."

Despite her immense experience, Amy firmly believes she's always learning and growing: "Everyone knows something I don't. I can learn something from everyone." Disability Rights Ohio is the first legal-focused organization on Amy's resume, and she's excited to apply her talents in this sphere.

Amy is data driven, passionate and dynamic: her commitment to ethics drives her dedication to serve. DRO applauds Amy's accomplishments and is confident that she will thoroughly execute her role on the Abuse and Neglect team to help hold systems and service providers accountable and keep people with disabilities safe.

Amy lives in Columbus, Ohio with her wife and their three dogs, Pimento, Sangria, and Mulligan.

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