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Article I – Title
The name of this organization shall be the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with
Mental Illness Advisory Council (PAIMI Advisory Council).

Article II – Purpose
The PAIMI Advisory Council shall advise the designated protection and advocacy agency,
Ohio Disability Rights Law and Policy Center, Inc. (d.b.a. Disability Rights Ohio), on
policies and priorities to be carried out in protecting and advocating for the rights of
individuals labeled as mentally ill, provide independent advice and recommendations to
Disability Rights Ohio, work jointly with Disability Rights Ohio’s board of directors in the
development of annual priorities, and submit a section of the Disability Rights Ohio
federal annual report.

Article III – Membership
In order to meet the requirements of the PAIMI Act, at least sixty percent (60%) of the
members appointed to the Advisory Council shall be PAIMI eligible individuals, former
PAIMI-eligible individuals, or family members. The majority of the 60% shall be primary
PAIMI-eligible individuals. However, in no case shall the Advisory Council consist of
more than 20 people. Continuing efforts shall be made to include members of racial,
ethnic, and other minorities, all geographic areas, as well as other diversities to assure
that the Advisory Council is a true representation of Ohio's population.
In order to be eligible for membership on the Advisory Council an individual must reside
in the State of Ohio, cannot be a relative or significant other of a current Advisory
Council member, and cannot be an employee of Disability Rights Ohio. Each member
shall annually be provided a complete list of the members of the Advisory Council.
Subject to these limitations, the Advisory Council shall consist of the following:

  • an attorney
  • a mental health professional
  • an individual from the public who is knowledgeable about people who are
  • labeled as mentally ill, advocates for the needs of persons with mental illness,
  • and has demonstrated a substantial commitment to improving mental health
  • services
  • a provider of mental health services
  • individuals who have received or are receiving mental health services
  • individuals who are family members of individuals who have received or are
  • receiving mental health services
  • At least one family member shall be a primary caregiver for an individual who is
  • currently a minor child or youth (under age 18) who is receiving or has received mental
  • health services.

Article IV - Ex-Officio Members
The Advisory Council may establish ex-officio organizational memberships. Ex-officio
members are non-voting members. The organization will designate an individual to
attend Advisory Council meetings. The Advisory Council may periodically request that
the organization designate a new representative.

Article V - Member Responsibilities and Duties
In accordance with the responsibilities set forth in the PAIMI Act, each member of the
Advisory Council must have a commitment to promoting the legal and civil rights of
persons with mental illness and advocating for their personal choices. Each member is
expected to attend and participate actively in the Advisory Council meetings and any
sub-committees or standing committees to which the member is appointed or for which
the member volunteers.

Advisory Council members shall conduct themselves in an orderly manner during council
and committee meetings.

Advisory Council members shall abide by the current edition of the Roberts Rules of
Order and the rulings of the Chair during council meetings.

Advisory Council members shall not present or represent themselves verbally or in
writing as an employee or agent of Disability Rights Ohio.

Advisory Council members shall not speak for the entire council on matters of council
business unless authorized to do so by the full council.

Advisory Council members shall reside in the State of Ohio.

Advisory Council members shall attend four (4) meetings per year, unless in the case of
an emergency or extenuating circumstances.

Each year, Advisory Council members must sign a Conflict of Interest form and an
attestation confirming they read and understand the Operating Procedures within 14
days of receipt of the documents in order to attend meetings as voting members.

Article VI - Procedures
A. Terms
Advisory Council members shall be appointed for a four (4) year term by the Executive
Director of Disability Rights Ohio, based upon the recommendations of the Nominating
Committee. No member shall be eligible for a consecutive term.

Each person shall be appointed within the membership categories set forth in Article III.
Based upon the membership categories checked on the member's membership
application, Disability Rights Ohio may change the category in which the member was
appointed to bring the Advisory Council into compliance with federal requirements or
the requirements of these Operating Standards. A member appointed to complete the
term of a member whose membership is terminated or who resigns will be appointed
only to complete the former member's current four-year term.

B. Officers
Election of a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary shall be held annually at the Quarter 4
meeting with terms starting at the beginning of the federal fiscal year. After receiving
the Nominating Committee's recommendations for these officers, the Advisory Council
shall elect the Officers. The Chair shall be a PAIMI-eligible individual, former PAIMIeligible
individual, or family member. In the event that an Officer’s term on the Advisory
Council ends during the Officer’s term as an Officer, the Officer’s term on the Advisory
Council will automatically be extended to coincide with their term as an Officer. If an
Officer resigns from the Advisory Council in between meetings, an election shall be held
at the next scheduled meeting.

The Chair shall preside at meetings. The Vice Chair shall aid the Chair in the performance
of their duties, shall perform all duties of the Chair in the Chair's absence, and shall take
attendance and give an attendance report at each regular council meeting. The Chair
and Vice Chair shall each serve a term of one (1) year in that office, and may be elected
to serve an additional term. The Chair may speak to any issue before the Advisory
Council, but shall vote only to break a tie.

The Secretary is to ensure the timely preparation and distribution of all materials for
Council meetings, consistent with operating standards and procedures. The Secretary
shall also keep all official records of Council activities (minutes, resolutions, etc.),
including those of Council committees. In addition, the Secretary shall manage the
correspondence between the Council and other parties including internal coordination with Disability Rights Ohio staff.

Pursuant to statute and subject to the bylaws of the board of directors, the Advisory
Council Chair shall be a voting member of the Disability Rights Ohio board of directors.

C. Meetings
The Advisory Council shall meet at least quarterly (four times a year). The scheduling of
the meetings shall be done in a manner, which enhances the attendance of PAIMIeligible
individuals, former PAIMI-eligible individuals and family members.

If a member is unable to attend a meeting, the member shall notify Disability Rights
Ohio, which shall notify the Chair. The Chair will determine whether the absence is
excused or unexcused, and the absence shall be noted as such in the minutes. If a
member provides information to excuse an absence after the absence has been
recorded in the minutes as unexcused, the minutes of the next meeting will record the
change in the absence from unexcused to excused.

The expectation is that Advisory Council members attend meetings in the scheduled
format (may be virtual or in-person). However, members may request reasonable
accommodations that may include attending the meeting in an alternative format – i.e.
attending an in-person by phone or videoconference.

D. Quorum
A quorum shall exist when a majority of members are in attendance, whether in person
or through tele-attendance. A majority of the voting members present must support a
motion in order for it to carry.

E. Committees
The Council shall develop the following committees that will each select a Chair and
report out during quarterly meetings. The Advisory Council Chair shall serve as an exofficio
member of each committee. Any council member can join any committee by
emailing the committee chair. Council members are eligible to join new committees at
the beginning of their term (during their first three months of their term), or at the
beginning of the fiscal year. Members can, at any time, request to sit in on a meeting as
a non-voting observer.

1. Ad Hoc Committees
The Advisory Council may establish ad hoc committees as necessary from time to
time to assist in conducting Advisory Council business.

2. Nominating Committee
a. The Advisory Council shall maintain a standing committee on Nomination
procedures. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a majority of PAIMI
eligible individuals, former PAIMI eligible individuals, or family members.

b. The Nominating Committee shall affirmatively seek members who are
members of racial or ethnic minorities and other diversities, and shall report
on these efforts to the Council.

c. The Nominating Committee shall recommend to the Executive Director of
Disability Rights Ohio nominations to fill any vacancy on the Council.Recommendations by the Nominating Committee to the Executive Directorof Disability Rights Ohio shall be consistent with the membership process.

d. The Nominating Committee may invite applicants to an interview and/or to
attend a council meeting.

e. The Nominating Committee shall hear all requested appeals of proposed
membership terminations and shall make recommendations to the Executive
Director of Disability Rights Ohio. The decision of the Executive Director with
regard to such proposed terminations shall be final.

f. The Nominating Committee shall annually recommend to the full Advisory
Council recommendations for Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.

3. Executive Committee
a. The Executive Committee shall conduct Council business as necessary
between full Council meetings and shall report on any actions taken at the
next full council meeting.

b. The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Nominating Committee Chair, Diversity
Committee Chair, and Policy Leadership Committee Chair shall constitute the
Executive Committee.

c. The Executive Committee shall approve Council member(s) for attendance at
conferences, seminars; workshops etc. and provide a written
recommendation to the Executive Director.

d. The Executive Committee shall also do an annual review of the Operating
Standards, and suggest any changes as needed.

4. Policy Leadership Committee
The Advisory Council shall maintain a standing Policy/Leadership Committee
to provide information, advice, and recommendations to the Chair and the
Council on policy, legislative matters, and other issues that may require
Disability Rights Ohio’s attention, testimony, education, or action.

5. Diversity Committee
The PAIMI Diversity Committee sets forth to ensure that PAIMI Advisory
Council members are diverse and represent the state of Ohio in regards to
race, ethnicity, religion or creed, national origin or ancestry, gender identity,
sexual orientation, age, disability, and veteran status. Secondly, the Diversity
Committee, should be culturally humble in encouraging personal reflection
and growth around culture in order to increase overall knowledge and
advocate for services provided through Disability Rights Ohio. The Diversity
Committee will disseminate information to the PAIMI Advisory Council
members to challenge members to learn about diversity and better learn
with and from individuals living with disabilities.

F. Conflict Resolution
When two (2) or more members have a conflict to such a degree that the Advisory
Council’s proceedings are disrupted, the Chair will attempt to resolve the conflict
between the parties. If the conflict continues, a mediation process will be
implemented. The need to initiate the mediation process will be determined by a
majority vote of the Advisory Council. The Chair of the Advisory Council will follow up
with the mediation process along with a representative of Disability Rights Ohio.
Parties outside of the Advisory Council will be sought as mediators to resolve the
conflict. If the member (or members) refuse(s) to participate in the mediation process
and the conflict continues to disrupt the proceedings of the Advisory Council, the Chair
will request the refusing party (or parties) to exclude themselves from the Advisory
Council until they can return as a productive, non-disruptive member. If the party (or
parties) continues to refuse these requests, their membership may be terminated by a
majority vote of the entire Advisory Council. The vote shall be taken at a regular
meeting or by electronic (e-mail), and otherwise subject to the by-laws and procedures
of the Council.

G. Resignation and Removal from Council
1. A council member may resign at any time by giving a written (via mail or email)
or verbal notice to the council. Unless otherwise specified in the notice, the
resignation shall take effect upon receipt of the notice and acceptance of the
resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

2. An Advisory Council member who fails to attend two (2) meetings shall be
notified by the Vice-Chair in writing that failure to attend the next meeting shall
result in a recommendation of termination of the membership. If a member fails
to attend three (3) meetings, excused or otherwise, the Advisory Council shall
recommend upon notice to the member termination of the membership.
If an ex-officio member fails to attend two (2) meetings, the member’s
organization shall be notified of the failure to attend. If the ex-officio member
fails to attend three (3) meetings, then the Nominating Committee may request
that the organization designate a new representative or recommend that the
Executive Director terminate the ex-officio member upon notice to the member
and the member’s organization.

If the member (or organization, in the case of an ex-officio member) so notified
wishes to remain on council, the member shall notify Disability Rights Ohio and
request a meeting with the Nominating Committee to appeal the termination
recommendation. The absences considered will be within a twelve (12) month
period, beginning with the first missed meeting.

3. An Advisory Council member may be involuntarily removed for cause. For the
purpose of these Operating Standards, "cause" shall mean a violation of the
duties of a member defined in Article V. The member in violation shall be given a
verbal or written notice of violation by the Chair. A verbal notice shall be
confirmed in writing.

4. If a member is given a second notice it must be in writing. The notice shall
provide information to the member of the member's rights under this Section
and shall specify which duty was violated. If a member is given two notices in a
twelve-month time frame, the violations shall be referred to the Advisory
Council. If the council recommends termination for cause, the member may
appeal to the Nominating Committee to contest the recommendation and may
provide verbal or written information to the committee. The Nominating
Committee shall review the information and make a recommendation to the
Executive Director of Disability Rights Ohio whether cause exists to terminate the
member. The member shall be given written notice of the recommendation. A
written notice of the Executive Director's decision shall be provided to the
member and the Chair. The determination of the Executive Director on all
matters concerning membership on the council shall be final.

5. If a member’s actions are determined to have violated legal or ethical standards,
or a member engages in patterns of harmful behavior (intentional or
unintentional) that repeatedly make any member feel unsafe, disrespected, or
threatens the integrity of the council or DRO, the executive director retains the
right to remove a member from the council.

Prohibited conduct that falls within these zero-tolerance behaviors includes
words or actions that are perceived as racist or discriminatory, aggressive or
threatening whether intentional or unintentional. Inappropriate language and
cussing, name-calling, and disrespectful comments will not be tolerated in any
setting. This includes full council meetings, committee meetings, and
conversations around any council business that occur between any members.
Examples include but are not limited to bullying, recurrent cursing/yelling,
demeaning comments directed at anyone, and/or commenting on the personal
characteristics of another person regarding their actual or perceived race,
language, appearance, gender/gender-identity, age, disability, religion, sexual
orientation, or other personal characteristics.

Article VII - Payment/Reimbursement

A. No Advisory Council member shall receive compensation (wages) for Advisory
Council attendance and/or activities. Nothing in these operating standards shall
prohibit an Advisory Council member from contracting with Disability Rights Ohio to
participate in activities on behalf of Disability Rights Ohio, including the payment of
a stipend for those activities.

B. Disability Rights Ohio shall reimburse all necessary costs to enable the fullest
possible participation of Council members in all Council's activities and projects,
consistent with P&A policies, and comply with the policies of Disability Rights Ohio
and federal circulars.

C. Reimbursement of mileage, hotel and qualified meals must be submitted on
expense form to the Disability Rights Ohio financial department for payment.

D. Determination of allowable meeting costs for reimbursement (including costs
associated with both in-person and virtual meetings), and the procedure for approval, will follow the most current PAC Expense Reimbursement Policy.

Article VIII - Conferences, workshops, and seminars
A. PAIMI Council members wishing to attend conferences, workshops, seminars and
other similar activities related to their service on the PAIMI Council, and to have
those expenses reimbursed by Disability Rights Ohio, shall make a written request to
the Executive Committee.

B. All such requests require the approval of the Executive Committee, and a written
recommendation shall be sent to the Chief Financial Officer for the purpose of
choosing the member(s) to attend the stated event.

C. The Executive Director shall send the name(s) of those selected to attend to the
Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee Chair shall notify the member(s)
of the Executive Director's final decision.

D. The selection criteria for how members are to be chosen for attending conferences,
workshops, seminars and other similar activities will be developed jointly by
Executive Committee, Nominating Committee, and the Executive Director.

Article IX - Parliamentary Authority
The current edition of the Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all
Advisory Council meetings and its committees, and will serve as a resource regarding all
aspects of Advisory Council procedures not specified in these Operating Standards.

Article X – Amendments
The Operating Standards may be amended by a 2/3 majority of all members, provided
the text of the amendments to the Operating Standards has been sent to all members at
least 30 days prior to the meeting at which the amendments will be voted on. Only
voting members present at the meeting shall vote on the proposed amendments.

Other additions:
Revised: Approved by PAIMI Advisory Council, September 24, 2022
Revised: Approved by PAIMI Council December 9, 2017
Revised: Approved by PAIMI Council December 13, 2014
Revised: Approved by PAIMI Council March 9, 2013
Revised: Approved by PAIMI Council April 16, 2005
Revised: Approved by PAIMI Council June 1, 1998
Revised: October 19, 1991
Revised: September 23, 1989

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