Busting #MedicaidMyths: Medical equipment and home modifications

June 23, 2017 / #MedicaidMyths

Myth: My niece has cerebral palsy and uses a power wheelchair. Her parents have great health insurance through their employers, though, so she doesn't need Medicaid.

Fact: Medicaid pays for many things that employer-based insurance and even Medicare won't pay for, including medical equipment like wheelchairs and lifts. Medicaid also pays for home modifications that allow elders and people with disabilities to live in their own homes. These modifications can include installing ramps and grab bars, widening doorways, modifying bathrooms and lowering counters. Without Medicaid funding to pay for these services, more people with disabilities and elders will be forced to live in nursing homes and other institutions, segregating them from society and making our communities poorer for it.

To see an example of the ways Medicaid funding affects the lives of real people, check out reporter Jonathan Cohn's story about Ohio self-advocate Justin Martin. Be sure to watch the video, too.

Call to Action:

Under the Senate's new health care bill, Medicaid would face funding cuts that would affect these services. Call Senator Portman and tell him to vote NO.

Portman's regional and federal offices:

513-684-3265 Cincinnati
216-522-7095 Cleveland
614-469-6774 Columbus
419-259-3895 Toledo
202-224-3353 Washington, DC

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