Her services were cut and her home was in jeopardy. We helped her stay put. #AdvocacyMatters

January 11, 2019 / #AdvocacyMatters

A woman with short reddish hair looks happily at the camera

Beverly was pretty happy with the in-home and rental assistance services she was receiving in her accessible apartment. However, her apartment building was slowly being transitioned to an assisted living facility. In October, she was notified that she would have to switch from an Ohio Home Care waiver to an assisted living waiver or find somewhere else to live. Under the new waiver, she found that her rent would increase by $700 a month, leaving her with only $50 for all other expenses. When Beverly's Home Care services were terminated, her guardian contacted DRO for help appealing that decision.

A DRO attorney represented Beverly in her appeals hearing. Ultimately, the appeals officer found that CareSource had not given good reasons for discontinuing Beverly's services and recommended that they be reinstated. She and her guardian are thrilled that she will get to remain in her home with the care she needs to remain in the community.

It can be scary and frustrating when your Medicaid services are cut unexpectedly. If you find yourself in that position, don't hesitate to contact Disability Rights Ohio for help.


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