#AdvocacyMatters: Your Right, Your Vote

The November 5th General Election is just over 2 weeks away. No matter how you plan to participate, the path to a successful voting experience starts now. Read more...

October 18, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Supporting Your Voting Rights

All the work that we do each day outside of our elections is important work, but none truly matter without your voice. Read more...

October 11, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Informing our Path

Our work drives better outcomes when shaped and informed by the real, lived experiences of Ohioans with disabilities. Read more...

October 4, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Reflecting

While every day and every week bring new challenges and new victories, this past week has certainly kept us busy. Read more...

September 27, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Make a Splash

Each duck on the water is more than just a chance at prizes… every duck bobbing down the river represents an investment into the work our team does all across Ohio each and every day. Read more...

September 20, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Building Equity in the Classroom

Increasing access and improving outcomes for students with disabilities are pivotal and foundational parts of our work. Read more...

August 30, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Dive In

The work we do - and the needs of people with disabilities all across Ohio - far outpaces the federal grant funding that supports our mission. Read more...

August 23, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Sharing Our Work

Our work is complex, but its importance is often best explained by the dedicated individuals who spend their time building towards our ultimate vision. Read more...

August 16, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Are you ready?

Bright futures tomorrow start with educational access today, and our vision of a truly equitable society for people with disabilities won’t be possible until each student receives the resources, tools, and accommodations to learn successfully. Read more...

August 9, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Encontrarte Donde Estés (Meeting You Where You Are)

En todo lo que hacemos en DRO, intentamos proporcionar recursos que se adapten a las personas en su situación actual. Read more...

August 2, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: An Anniversary and Ableism

When accessibility tools and accommodations are weaponized as part of our political discourse, it signals to those living with a disability that their participation and the value of their voice is less important. Read more...

July 26, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Elevating Pride

Empowering and elevating the voices and lived experiences of people with disabilities all across Ohio is at the very center of our work. Read more...

July 19, 2024Read More

Criminalization Over Compassion

Late last month, the US Supreme Court issued a landmark decision on homelessness, opening the door for cities and states to criminalize sleeping outside. Read more...

July 12, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: The Story of Our Work

At the core of what we do - in our work all across Ohio - two themes are run throughout: Equity and Empowerment. Read more...

June 28, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Raise Your Voice

Next week, we’re proud to be partnering with the ACLU of Ohio to host a Columbus Safety Collective Community Conversation, where attendees will be able to share their thoughts on community safety and discuss alternatives to policing in crisis situations. Read more...

June 21, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Is This Thing On?

The stories we tell and the ways we reach out really matter. No matter what language you speak, what zip code you have, or what your favorite family meal may be, it matters to all of us to be fully seen. We are striving to serve the people in our... Read more...

June 14, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Shaping Our Future

Our vision of an equitable Ohio is rooted in the real, lived experiences of disabled people all across the state and throughout the communities we serve. Read more...

June 7, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Calls for Help, Unanswered

“We were truly appalled by the issues exposed through our inquiry and we consistently reported our findings to OhioMHAS and YIS.” Read more...

May 31, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: In The Spotlight

We’re always looking to grow our work and expand our reach, even in unusual ways. Read more...

May 17, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: The Clearest Picture

Our work is most effective when focused on and rooted in the real lived experiences of Ohioans with disabilities. Read more...

May 10, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Continuing the Discussion

Throughout 2024, we’ve met with legislators and legislative staffers at the Ohio Statehouse to share our work, host discussions about our advocacy, and answer questions about our organization. Read more...

May 3, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: The Importance of Support

Being able to bring our work and mission into communities across Ohio is central to realizing an equitable Ohio for people with disabilities, but it doesn’t happen on its own. Read more...

April 26, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Leading the Discussion

Earlier this year, we began hosting sessions with members of the Ohio legislature and their staff members to better understand our organization and the work that we do. Read more...

April 12, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Comedy for a Cause

Connecting with communities and engaging with supporters is pivotal to expanding our reach and realizing our vision all across Ohio. Read more...

April 5, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: LEAP Forward

The room was filled to the brim with legislative staff and people with disabilities. Read more...

March 29, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Beyond the Back and Forth

Beyond all this back-and-forth, at the root of this issue is a group of young people who have been deprived of educational opportunities for far too long. Read more...

March 22, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Election Resources Round Up

Sometimes election day can feel like boating on rough waters, but we want your voting experience to be nothing but smooth sailing. Read more...

March 15, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Explaining and Understanding

Earlier this year, we began hosting sessions with members of the Ohio legislature and their staff members to better understand our organization and the work that we do. Read more...

March 8, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Your Right, Your Vote

With less than three weeks to go until Ohio’s March 19th primary election, the path to a successful voting experience starts now! Read more...

March 1, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: En Español

When you want to reach communities where they are, the best way to do that is to make sure those communities feel comfortable. Read more...

February 23, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Withholding Opportunities, Denying Transparency

"We do not condone ODEW’s handling of the situation and working behind closed doors to halt and reconsider the recommendation the agency itself endorsed." Read more...

February 16, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Another Chance to be Heard

Civic engagement is a critical component to achieving an equitable society. Read more...

February 9, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: A Town Hall for All

We are holding firm to what has worked in our advocacy - meeting disabled Ohioans where they are. Read more...

February 2, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Bringing Awareness to Power

State legislation directly impacts our efforts to provide resources and support for Ohioans with disabilities. By connecting with legislators, we can increase awareness of our advocacy work, and in turn, reach individuals in communities that are otherwise limited in disability rights-related resources. Read more...

January 26, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Reflecting Our Community

Ohio - all 40,800 square miles of it - is incredibly diverse. Read more...

January 19, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Worthy of a Fair Wage

We cannot approach true equity in a society where one’s disability can be used to deny them a fair wage. Read more...

January 12, 2024Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Turn The Page

As we prepare to flip our calendars to a new year, it’s important that we pause, reflect, and appreciate the advocacy that carried us through 2023. Read more...

December 22, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Count Us In

Communities found at the fringe of society are often kept there by a lack of understanding of their needs and awareness of their existence. Read more...

December 15, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Dreaming of an Equitable Tomorrow

To welcome the new year, we are hoping to raise $24,000 before the calendar turns over. Even a small donation from you, if you’re able, can help us make these dreams of an equitable tomorrow a reality. Read more...

December 8, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Connecting to Communities

Our advocacy and resources are only effective when they reach those who need them. Read more...

December 1, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Calling For Change

This past Monday we stood with our allies outside Columbus City Council and called for the city’s leaders to deliver on their promises. Read more...

November 17, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Envisioning Equity

As we race towards the end of another year, we’re pausing to reflect and focus on the core of our mission: Envisioning Equity. Read more...

November 9, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: One Call Away

Election day, and the days right before it, can be a stressful time for Ohioans with disabilities. In Ohio, new voter ID laws, changes to curbside voting, and shortened absentee ballot timelines may cause significant barriers for voters in our state. We want to take some time today to lay... Read more...

November 3, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Your Right, Your Vote

A truly equitable society cannot be achieved without the opportunity to vote being accessible to every individual. Read more...

October 27, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Engaging Our Community

As only the second ever person in her role, our new Community Engagement Coordinator (CEC), Brittanie Maddox, has hit the ground running. Read more...

October 20, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Celebrating Opportunities

October is recognized as Disability Employment Empowerment Month, a time to celebrate “the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities past and present and showcases supportive, inclusive employment policies and practices that benefit employers and employees.” Read more...

October 13, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: A Refreshed Roadmap

Our work is most effective when it’s shaped and informed by the real, lived experiences of Ohioans with disabilities. Read more...

October 6, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: CAP Celebrates

Earlier this week, one of our most impactful programs hit its golden anniversary " 50 years. Read more...

September 29, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Modernizing a Legacy

This summer, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced plans to update section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Read more...

September 22, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: From The Starting Line

In just a few days, hundreds of rubber ducks will be turned loose on the mighty Muskingum River near Marietta, bobbing their way down to the Ohio River. Read more...

September 8, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Independence through Employment

Independence is a key component of an equitable society, and only when people have access to the tools and resources necessary to live, work, learn, and go where and how they choose can true equity come into focus. Read more...

September 1, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Making Connections

Our advocacy, our support, and our resources are only effective when they reach the communities and individuals who need them. Read more...

August 18, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Ferocity

Being fierce advocates - whether in working with an individual client or working on policy initiatives that impact every disabled Ohioan - can be challenging, frustrating, and ultimately rewarding. Read more...

August 11, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Your Right, Your Vote

Voting is just one of many ways to advocate for a better future for us all. Vote today for a better tomorrow! Read more...

August 4, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Diving In

With a mission and ambitions that can often outpace our federal funding, creativity is key in raising the funds necessary to amplify our work and expand our reach across the state. Read more...

July 28, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: What Students Deserve

These completely free workshops are designed to help guardians and educators come to a deeper understanding of how they can make school best for their children and students. Each session will be held online and will feature a Q&A segment. Read more...

July 21, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Informing, Improving

Over the last several weeks, we’ve been collecting information from all across Ohio through our annual Goals & Objectives survey. Read more...

July 14, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Proud

July is Disability Pride Month " a time to celebrate the rights and achievements of disabled people; aiming to shift the narrative around disabilities from one of social stigma and ableist misconceptions to one of pride, acceptance, empowerment, and self-advocacy. July was chosen to align with the anniversary of the... Read more...

July 7, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: How Free?

“Freedom” - the word - is something that is found everywhere, especially this time of year. From patriotic messages in the media to star-spangled t-shirts and bumper stickers, “freedom” as a part of our national brand is inescapable. Read more...

June 23, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Rooted in the Real

Our work is rooted in the real, lived experiences of disabled Ohioans across the state and throughout the communities we serve. Read more...

June 16, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Connecting Truth to Power

In the month of May alone, Alicia hosted three in person events and two virtual events for Dear Ohio Legislators events all around the state, where over 70 people were present to write to their legislators and come together in community action. Read more...

June 2, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: From The Top

Our mission, our vision, and our drive is rooted in the real, lived experiences of disabled Ohioans. Read more...

May 26, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Make Support a Career

Change never happens without people brave enough to act, and here at Disability Rights Ohio, we are committed to empowering people to make a difference. We have three exciting positions open for passionate, driven people who want to take a step in the direction of a fulfilling vision. Read more...

May 19, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: A More Complete Picture

For our vision to ultimately become a reality, our work must remain rooted in the real, lived experiences of people with disabilities across Ohio. Read more...

May 12, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Small Victories, Senate Strides

In the Senate, you still have time to testify. On May 11th, the Senate Medicaid Committee is planning on accepting testimony. Even though the dates are unconfirmed, we anticipate the Senate Health Committee will be accepting public testimony on May 10th or 11th. Read more...

May 5, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Plan Your Vote

We’ve been trying to reach you about your….voting rights! Ohio’s newest election law, HB 458, makes voting harder for many Ohioans, especially those with disabilities. This new law limits they kind of ID you can use to vote and changed important deadlines for absentee voting. These changes create additional barriers... Read more...

April 28, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Elevated and Empowered

“Transformative work often happens in incremental moments.”

April 21, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Change Wages, Change Lives

Throughout this budget season, we rallied alongside disabled advocates in our community to highlight the need for lawmakers to #BudgetWithCare. The outpouring of support from the Ohio disability community and their supporters has created a united front calling for real solutions to the direct care workforce crisis. Read more...

April 14, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: New Vision, Familiar Face

While our work is informed and shaped though surveys and input from the communities we serve, it only comes about through the expertise and investment of our team. Read more...

April 7, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Doing More

Our work comes about in many ways.

March 31, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: More Than an Icon

“Until institutions were forced to accommodate us, we would remain locked out and invisible. And as long as we were locked out and invisible, no one would see our true force and would dismiss us.” Read more...

March 24, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Budgeting with Care

“Take four seconds and put your hand over your chest. Can you feel your heart beating? As I mentioned before, disability is only community you can join at any time. We too, those with disabilities, are human beings with a heartbeat, and without your investment in provider wages more people... Read more...

March 17, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: The Color of Justice

Discussing these issues is often uncomfortable, quieting conversations long before meaningful solutions can be identified. Read more...

March 10, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Planning to be heard

Access to the democratic process " where ballots are counted and voices are heard " is a foundational step in creating a truly equitable society. While entering a voting booth and casting a ballot seems like a simple task, the rules, restrictions, and red tape of bureaucracy far too often... Read more...

March 3, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Sharing Your Stories

Over the last year we have shared with you stories from all over Ohio, and the number of people affected by this crisis continues to go up. Read more...

February 24, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Equal Participants?

Equity - true equity - for people with disabilities will only be possible when they are fully included and equal participants in elections and policy. Read more...

February 17, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: An Investment in Change

In encounters with police, the intersection of race and disability all too often ends in tragedy. Read more...

February 10, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Care in Crisis

Without direct care, people are at risk of serious injury, death, or being forced into institutional settings. Read more...

February 3, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Opportunities Withheld

In any set of circumstances, navigating the systems and procedures of special education can be an overwhelming experience. Read more...

January 27, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Equipping Advocates

Equipping advocates to be their most effective amplifies our shared ideals, bringing the vision of an equitable society one step closer to reality. Read more...

January 20, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Building Bridges

Throughout the year, some of our most impactful events are the ones that further connect the Ohio disability community with their legislators. Read more...

January 13, 2023Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: 2022 Wrapped

As we move forward into 2023, we can’t wait to see what new genres of disability justice we have in store. Read more...

December 16, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Victory for One, Victory for All

Education should be for everyone, including disabled Ohioans like Hunter. Our #AdvocacyMatters to the Hunters of the world, who can better fight for their individual needs in light of this decision. Read more...

December 9, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: On Connecting and Understanding

Continuing to create opportunities like these will help build relationships, successfully advocate, and achieve a deeper level of understanding… impacting and informing policy, and shaping a more equitable future. #AdvocacyMatters Read more...

December 2, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: More to be thankful for

With the giving season in full swing, we’re proud of all that we’ve accomplished this year. Read more...

November 18, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Virtual barriers, Real-world Implications

In the wake of billionaire Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, members of the company’s Accessibility Experience and Human Rights teams reported that both had been disbanded and their employees fired. Read more...

November 11, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Policing Alternatives and Disability Justice

"Police violence disproportionately impacts individuals who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color, and we know that a person’s disability, particularly a psychiatric disability, also increases the likelihood of harm occurring." Read more...

November 4, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Our Duty

Recently, Kyle and DRO Legal Advocacy Director Kevin Truitt joined the Ohio DD Talks Podcast to discuss voter outreach and share information and resources on the upcoming November 8th election, for which early voting has already begun. Read more...

October 28, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Our State, Our Mission

The work that we do… our advocacy, our resources, our outreach… touches every corner of Ohio: From the shores of Lake Erie to the banks of the Ohio River, across the broad plains and through the rolling hills. Read more...

October 21, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Plan Your Vote

A truly equitable society cannot be achieved without the opportunity to vote being accessible to every individual Read more...

October 14, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Coming into focus

The breadth and depth of our work can make it difficult at times to explain exactly what Disability Rights Ohio does. Read more...

October 7, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Listening and Learning

Our work is most effective when it’s shaped and informed by the real, lived experiences of Ohioans with disabilities. Read more...

September 30, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Education for Everyone

To support Ohio parents, DRO will continue to provide Special Education Legal Clinics in partnership with Albeit-Weiker LLP and the Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities. Read more...

September 23, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: On Location

Connecting directly with the communities we serve is the only way for our bold vision to come to life… rooted in the real, lived experiences of people with disabilities across Ohio. Read more...

September 16, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Real Wages for Real Work

The rights enjoyed by the majority should be enjoyed by all… and one of these most basic rights is receiving a fair wage for work completed. Read more...

September 9, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Staying Connected

Our work is only effective if firmly rooted in the realities and lived experiences of the communities we serve. Read more...

September 2, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Face to Face

In the complex world of advocacy, one of the biggest challenges can be making direct connections with those who wield the power to shape policy. Read more...

August 26, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Making A Splash

Connecting directly with communities across Ohio is a pivotal part of bringing our mission to life. Read more...

August 19, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: [ to OVERCOME ]

“Being able to turn the page on an incredibly challenging year and still share success stories like these is a remarkable accomplishment,” Sjoberg continues. “With the promise of a new year, new advocacy, and new challenges ahead, we can’t wait to see what’s in store.” Read more...

August 12, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Ask An Advocate

Oftentimes, access to story-sharing takes a route not travelable by disabled advocates, leaving a space with stories left untold. With inspiration from recorded oral history like the stories of Clevelanders captured by John Leoni, and produced by Linking Employment Abilities and Potential (LEAP), Alexia set forward with a specific vision... Read more...

August 5, 2022Read More

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